Motivation Letter

09+ Unique Motivation Statement For UN Job Ideas To Inspire

Motivation Statement For Un Job
Written by Jessica William

Embarking on a career journey with the United Nations is like stepping into a realm where dedication meets global impact. Crafting a Motivation Statement For UN Job requires more than just words; it demands a compelling narrative that resonates with the organization’s ethos.

Imagine your words becoming a beacon, guiding you through the intricate world of international service. In this blog post, we unravel the art of creating a Motivation Statement for a UN job — a key that unlocks doors to a world of meaningful contributions.

Your motivation letter is more than a formality; it’s your personal manifesto for change. It’s the resonance between your aspirations and the UN’s mission. From weaving stories of your passion for diplomacy to articulating how your unique experiences align with the UN’s goals, we delve into the nuances of crafting a Motivation Statement that not only captures attention but also leaves an indelible mark.

Embrace the challenge, let your words echo in the halls of the UN, and embark on a journey where your motivation becomes a catalyst for global transformation. Ready to wield your pen for change? Let’s dive in!

Key Components of a Strong Motivation Statement For Un Job

  • Opening Impact: Begin with a compelling hook that instantly grabs attention, narrating a personal story or passion.
  • Alignment with UN Values: Express a profound understanding of UN’s core values, demonstrating how your beliefs align seamlessly.
  • Relevant Skills Showcase: Highlight key skills pertinent to the specific role, proving your capability to contribute effectively.
  • Unique Experiences Integration: Integrate distinctive experiences, showcasing how they uniquely qualify you for the position or program.
  • Future Impact Vision: Conclude by painting a vivid picture of the impact you aspire to make within the UN, emphasizing a shared vision for the future.

Motivation Statement For UN Job:

Dear Hiring Committee,

Embarking on a career with the United Nations has been my longstanding aspiration. I am driven by a passion for international cooperation and a fervent commitment to address global challenges. With a background in diplomacy and a track record of fostering cross-cultural collaboration, I am eager to contribute my skills to further the UN's noble mission. 

My motivation stems from a deep-seated belief in the power of collective action to create positive change. I am excited about the prospect of being an integral part of the UN family, working together towards a more sustainable and equitable world.

Sincerely, [Your Full Name]


Motivation Statement for UN Job Sample:

Dear UN Recruitment Team,

In a world teeming with complexities, my dedication to fostering global harmony propels me to join the United Nations. Through my experience in conflict resolution and my proficiency in multiple languages, I bring a unique blend of skills essential for the challenges our world faces today. 

The UN's commitment to peace, development, and human rights aligns seamlessly with my personal and professional values. I am enthusiastic about the opportunity to contribute meaningfully to the organization's objectives, leveraging my expertise to make a tangible impact on the lives of people worldwide.

Best Regards, [Your Full Name]

Best Motivation Statement for UN Job Example:

To the UN Hiring Team,

Driven by an unwavering commitment to humanitarian causes, I present my candidacy for a position within the United Nations. With a proven track record in project management and a passion for sustainable development, I am poised to bring a fresh perspective to your team. 

My ability to navigate complex challenges and my adaptability to diverse cultural contexts make me an ideal candidate. Joining the UN is not just a career move for me; it's a conscious choice to contribute meaningfully to a world that desperately needs positive change.

Warm Regards, [Your Full Name]

Motivation Statement For UN Job Template:

[Your Name] 
[Your Address] 
[City, Country] 
[Email Address] 

[UN Organization Name] 
[UN Organization Address] 
[City, Country]

Dear Hiring Committee,

I am writing to express my deep interest in the [specific position] at [UN Organization]. With a solid background in [relevant field] and a passion for [specific cause or objective], I am eager to contribute my skills and expertise to the esteemed work of the United Nations.

[Paragraph 1 - Introduction] Begin with a concise introduction, expressing your enthusiasm for the position and briefly mentioning your relevant experience or skills.

[Paragraph 2 - Alignment with UN Values] Demonstrate your understanding of the UN's core values and articulate how your personal and professional beliefs align seamlessly.

[Paragraph 3 - Showcase Relevant Skills] Highlight key skills and experiences that directly relate to the specific requirements of the job, showcasing your ability to contribute effectively.

[Paragraph 4 - Unique Experiences Integration] Share unique experiences that set you apart, illustrating how they uniquely qualify you for the position.

[Paragraph 5 - Future Impact Vision] Conclude by expressing your vision for the future, detailing the impact you aspire to make within the UN and emphasizing a shared vision for positive change.

Thank you for considering my application. I look forward to the opportunity to contribute to the impactful work of the United Nations.

Sincerely, [Your Full Name]


Motivation Statement For UN Job With No Experience:

Dear UN Recruitment Team,

While my professional journey may lack direct experience within the United Nations, my unwavering dedication to global causes fuels my desire to contribute meaningfully to your mission. My academic background in [relevant field] has equipped me with a solid foundation, and my enthusiasm to learn and adapt is unmatched. 

I bring fresh perspectives, untapped potential, and a commitment to making a difference. Joining the UN is not just an aspiration; it's a pledge to grow alongside an organization that embodies the positive change our world urgently needs.

Kind Regards, [Your Full Name]
Motivation Statement For UN Job With No Experience

UN Motivation Statement:

Dear United Nations Hiring Committee,

Eager to join the United Nations, my journey is fueled by a profound commitment to international cooperation. My expertise in [relevant field] coupled with a fervent belief in diplomacy positions me to contribute effectively to your global initiatives. 

The UN's commitment to peace and development resonates deeply with me, motivating me to dedicate my skills to a world that desperately needs unity and understanding.

Warm Regards, [Your Full Name]

Motivational Statement for UN Job:

Dear UN Recruitment Team,

Motivated by a burning passion for positive change, I present my candidacy for a position within the United Nations. Through my experiences in [specific experiences or skills], I bring a unique blend of abilities crucial for addressing the challenges of our time. 

The UN's dedication to fostering a better world aligns harmoniously with my personal and professional values. I am excited about the prospect of contributing my skills to an organization that champions impactful global transformation.

Best Regards, [Your Full Name]

United Nations Motivation Statement:

To the Hiring Committee at the United Nations,

Excitement courses through me as I express my keen interest in contributing to the United Nations' transformative work. My background in [relevant field] and a fervent commitment to human rights fuel my desire to be a part of your esteemed team. The United Nations' unwavering dedication to creating a better world mirrors my own aspirations, and I am eager to channel my skills and passion into making a meaningful impact on a global scale.

Sincerely, [Your Full Name]


Do’s and Don’ts of Writing an Impactful Motivation Statement for UN Job:


  • Tailor Your Narrative: Craft a unique and personalized story that resonates with your journey, aligning seamlessly with the UN’s mission. Authenticity captures attention.
  • Showcase Global Perspective: Emphasize experiences that showcase your understanding of global issues, reflecting the UN’s international focus. Illustrate your ability to contribute on a worldwide scale.
  • Align with UN’s Core Values: Clearly articulate how your values align with the United Nations’ principles. Demonstrating this alignment strengthens your suitability for the position.


  • Avoid Generic Phrases: Steer clear of clichés and generic language. Instead, opt for specific examples and concrete details to make your motivation letter memorable.
  • Don’t Overwhelm with Details: While showcasing experiences is crucial, avoid overwhelming the reader with an exhaustive list. Focus on key highlights that directly relate to the specific job or program.
  • Beware of Generalizations: Refrain from making broad statements without substantiating them. Specificity adds credibility, helping your motivation statement stand out from generic applications.

Final Thoughts:

In the pursuit of a career with the United Nations, your motivation letter stands as a beacon, guiding you towards impactful global contributions. As we explored the art of crafting a compelling Motivation Statement, the recurring theme emerges – authenticity is the key. Tailoring your narrative to reflect your journey, aligning with the UN’s values, and showcasing a global perspective are not mere suggestions but powerful strategies to stand out in the competitive realm of UN job applications.

Remember, your motivation letter is not just a formality; it’s your personal manifesto for change. As recent graduates and job seekers, the importance of this document cannot be overstated. It is your opportunity to captivate, persuade, and impress potential employers or decision-makers. So, embrace the challenge, infuse your letter with authenticity, and let it echo in the corridors of opportunity.

In closing, let this be more than a conclusion; let it be a call to action. Armed with the insights shared, take a moment to revisit and revise your motivation letter. Tailor it with precision, showcase your relevant skills and experiences, and witness the transformation it brings to your job application. Your dream job with the United Nations awaits – make your motivation letter the key that unlocks the door to a world of meaningful contributions. Best of luck on your journey!

United Nations Motivation Statement

About the author

Jessica William

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